Getting access to Robot code

To get access to the robot projects you need to:

  1. Download Git from this site.
  2. Open Git Bash.  Depending on the options you picked during install you might have the shortcut on your desktop.  If not look for it in \Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe.
  3. Once the window opens type ssh-keygen to generate a key pair. This will create a couple of files in your ~/.ssh directory.
  4. E-mail Bob (address in Google Docs roster) asking for access to the code repositories. Attach the public key file to the message.  That is the ~/.ssh/ file.
  5. After you receive confirmation you’ve been added, open NetBeans and pick Team -> Git -> Clone 
  6. Your screen might look differently when the dialog below opens, but it should have a Repository URL field. Use the settings in the picture.  As you fill in the Repository URL, the dialog fields change to reflect the protocol you picked.  For the private key pick the other file generated by the ssh-keygen program ~/.ssh/id_rsa


Details about public key encryption.

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